We place an emphasis on the quality of our editorial and events and believe this is important in building a competitive advantage.


Field Gibson Media launched in 2011 as a specialist B2B media company in the insurance and environmental fields.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our content whether we deliver this through the electronic word on our websites or the spoken word through webinars, roundtables and in-person events. We have great staff who deliver this and a fantastic audience of just the right contacts.

InsuranceERM, was the first launch and was brought into the Company in 2011, we acquired Environmental Finance in 2012 and launched Insurance Asset Risk in 2014. We are now launching Corporate Disclosures and will continue to launch new products as opportunities present.

Through great connection with the environmental finance and insurance markets we launched two databases – Insurance Risk Data and EF Data – and these have led to some great research reports being published.

We are a young and exciting company of over 45 staff, based by Borough Market. We place an emphasis on the quality of our editorial and events and believe this is important in building a competitive advantage.

Peter Field and Tony Gibson are keen to expand the business both organically and through acquisition and build opportunities for staff. Please do contact us if you would like to know more.

Our leadership

Peter Field


Tony Gibson

Chief Executive

Meet Our Team

Adam Jordan

Business Development Director, InsuranceERM

Ahren Lester

Assistant Editor, Environmental Finance

Annabelle Palmer

Content Strategist & Project Manager

Ashton Rowntree

Senior Research Analyst

Ben Smith

Data Strategist, EF Data

Bharatwaj Sriram

Technical Lead

Borte Mehmetcik

Subscriptions Development Manager, Environmental Finance

Brian Kavanagh

Head of Technology

Bryn Hossack

Business Development Director

Calum Budd

Renewals and Engagement Manager

Christopher Cundy

Managing Editor, Insurance

Darren Blundy


David Walker

Head of Research, IRD

Ed Entwisle

Business Development Manager, EF Data and IRD

Genevieve Redgrave

Staff Writer, Environmental Finance

Guy Richardson

Research Analyst

Izzi Tunley-Lo

Marketing Executive

Jennifer Forrest

Staff Writer

Josh Adcock

Staff Writer, Insurance Asset Risk

Joshua Geer

Senior Staff Writer, InsuranceERM

Ken Zuniga

Senior UI/UX Designer and Front-End Developer

Marc Sargeant

Art Director

Martin Assmann

Staff Writer, InsuranceERM

Megan Gallagher

Web Developer

Michael Hurley

Deputy Editor, Environmental Finance

Neil Porteous

Business Development Director

Nimrod Iritz

Research Analyst

Oli Henry

Business Development Director, Insurance

Paula Simion

Web Content Strategist

Peter Cripps

Editor, Environmental Finance

Phil Manley

Director, Data Services

Rachel Narborough

Events Executive

Rajipan Anthony

Research Analyst

Rob Langston

News Editor

Robert Leeming

News Editor

Ronan McCaughey

Deputy Editor and Commercial Editor, InsuranceERM

Sam Groves

Staff Writer, Corporate Disclosures

Sarfraz Thind

International Editor, InsuranceERM

Scott Davis

Business Development, EF Data and IRD

Simon Pollington

Subscriptions Development Manager, Insurance

Tahir Abdullah

Principal Engineer

Tommaso Dimitri

Events Marketing Manager

Tracey Huggett

Marketing Director

Vincent Huck

Editor, Insurance Asset Risk and Corporate Disclosures